POETRY : Eternity by Rekha Varanasi

Hold on to my hand,
Lest the wind, or the rain unclasp the band
To tear me, away from you,
Like in the dream, last night, that brew.
Tears, hapless sighs escape from my grasp
Unhindered from the tight clasp.
A heart that flutters seeking the unknowingly grown
But Oh! The agony ceaseless, unmercifully shown.
Sleep no more! No more! Lie suppressed
Dreams! Bountiful hauntingly depressed.

A journey begun, a castle built,
Hand in hand, dream we did to the hilt.
Many a song escaped the lips soothingly,
Fortune’s favourite pair we were seemingly.
Until like the dainty cobweb dangling,
Our dreams do lie like a fish angling.
The pain, the misery, the affliction, the torment,
Replaces the joy, the pleasure, with the lament.
These dreams! Oh! my dreams of tonight
Will continue till I wake up with all my might.

About the poet :
Rekha Varanasi is an avid reader and a travel enthusiast. A teacher by profession, she considers poetry her calling. 

((Photo Courtesy : Sharon McCutcheon)


  1. Such a meaningful and a thought inspiring poem.

  2. Absolutely romantic and the deep sense of pain is so evident that the reader feels it. Exceptional!Keep going. All the best!

  3. Super expression, touches the heart. Keep it up.

  4. Very nice and it inspires to be positive and optimistic....

  5. The poem makes me describe Rekha as truly sensitive human being who listens to the silence, subtly expressing feelings which can almost be touched by hands seen by the eyes. I am so fortunate to be her friend.

  6. I'm spell bound. This really shows the in depth love towards both English and poetry. This poem really touched my heart with the usage of perfectly fit words describing the pain and agony..

  7. such depth. absolutely exceptional.

  8. Beautifully worded! Oh the expressions!!

  9. Only people who experience it,can write like this , GREAT,expect more from you.All the best.

  10. Wow... Simply Wow...loved the choice of words...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  11. Very nice one Rekha๐Ÿ‘ to go to the depth, I read three times...

  12. Well quipped.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

  13. Very beautiful poem.it looks heart is written on the paper to tell all the feelings .

  14. Maam, I loved the expression of love, dependence, thought .....hats off .I read n number of times, each time I read ..."My heart dances with daffodils"....only I can say....

  15. Wonderful... Loved each word that's put out there! You are an amazing writer! :)

  16. Beautiful poem. Dreams beautiful knit with heartfelt words bringing a beauty to the poetry


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