FEATURED POET : Persis Koshy's 'Is there no water?'

The waters receded, 
The lakes dried up, 
The rivers were parched, 
The streams were devoid of the crystal clear water, 
There was no brook, where one could quench their thirst, 
The fear of death loomed thick in the air. 

One could only reminisce the good old days, 
Where one could reach out their hand and take a sip, 
Of the refreshing, life giving, life-sustaining liquid, 
Whenever they wanted. 

"Why, Oh!why? 
Didn't you think of conserving me, 
Why were your eyes blinded, 
When you simply wasted me, 
Why didn't you think of the coming generation, 
Who would perhaps have to fight nail and tooth just for a sip of me,"
The water had no more tears to cry, 
The source of life had run dry. 

Slowly the life ebbed away, 
The fishes, 
The turtles, 
The dolphins, 
The trees, 
Fell asleep, no more to be roused by a splash of water. 

Don't shrug it off as mere piece of imagination, 
The future of your children and my children,
Depends on how we use these finite resources we've been entrusted with, 
Use judiciously, 
And, with deep reverence. 

When we depart, 
Make sure you don't leave the coming children, 
With no means to fend for themselves, 
As much as possible, 
Reuse, replenish, restore, 
Leave the planet, 
Greener, cleaner and safer than you found. 

About the Writer  

Persis Koshy is a homemaker, currently living in Udaipur, Rajasthan along with her dear husband and precious two year old boy. She loves to write poems in any spare moment she finds.

She regularly posts  on her Facebook page 'Musings of my heart', where she shares poems, on topics close to her heart. 

This piece was written as Persis's  final assignment for a six-week Creative Fiction writing workshop   



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