POETRY | Anklet by Ajisha Sara Mohan

She looked out the tiny window,
Up above, far out of reach,
Just like her freedom…
She sought an escape…

A leap and it would end…

And, she would be free…
Laughing and singing,
In the world she wanted to be…
Listening to those voices,
That no one ever heard…

A leap and she would be out…

She could finally be herself…
Her happy self, her sad self, her “crazy” self...
Anything she chose to be,
Without a care or fear in the world…
Explore the world in her head,
The one they kept her away from…

A leap and it would be over…

The restraints, the “no’s”,
The strong pills,
The electricity coursing through her body...
Just one leap and she can breathe again…
Laugh again, cry again, wander again…

But leap she could not..

Not that she did not want to,
But ‘cause she was held back…
Restrained by her anklet..
Not a beautiful dream,
But a nightmare of chains..
The anklet that tethered her to the bed,
And to the world of strict confines of sanity…

To Meghana G, for the beautiful title prompt and for inspiring me and believing in my writing even when I did not. 

About the poet :
Ajisha Sara Mohan hails from Kerala and is an avid reader and craft enthusiast. After a brief stint in HR, she presently teaches Psychology in Senior Secondary Classes. She also authors a blog  https://kaagazkaariwrites.wordpress.com/where she shares her creative writing, articles on mental health, book reviews and DIY projects.


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