POETRY : But first, Hear Her Roar by Shweta Bhavana

To those who assign designations I ask,
Did you look at the intelligence behind the eyeliner?

To those who assign names I ask,
Did you look at the truth behind her slogans?

To those who assume arrogance I ask,
Do you know the extent of her physical and mental strength?

To those who assume her dress was short I ask, 
Did you know about her dreams of opening a boutique?

To those who accept that she doesn’t do numbers I ask, 
Do you know from which account she trades?

To those who accept that she will like bunny rabbits I ask,
Do you know she builds planes and trucks?

To all those who call her fat or thin or dark I ask,
 Do you know that her perspectives extend beyond skin?

To all those who decide on the basis of a single look I ask,
Have you heard her Roar?

Dedication: To Anjana  – my pride and joy. Roar On my girl!

About the poet:
Shweta Bhavana is an HR professional and an avid reader. Her interests include classical dancing and sketching. She believes that a (common) sense of humour is a must to survive in this world. She has just forayed into blogging and her thoughts are recorded at https://belimitededition.wordpress.com/


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